

Welcome to Paw Print Remembrance Wall

The Remembrance Wall is a place to celebrate the lives of those we loved, where you can create an ever lasting memorial for free. Here friends and family can share in the memories and photos of those they’ve lost.

You may submit your own listing for our remembrance wall here

Please click on the pet’s name to view the full message.

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28 Maart 2022


My porky-chop, pikkewyn.
My Wollies-kind met die groot hart en sagte bruin oë.
My klein skilpad-omdop-cuddle-bug.
My klein koekie monster.
My bodyguard en hartedief.
My klein seuntjie.
Klein QP-dooooop-fruityloooop.

Ek is so bly jy kon leer van liefde en drukkies. Dat jy ook dae in jou lewe kon deurgaan met ń “MARK-OF-LOVE” op jou voorkop (ongeag wie vir jou daaaroor wou lag). Dat jy kon leer van warm kombersies en sagte kop kussingtjies. En Hippie-trippies om die dam. Dat jy kon lief raak vir jou pienk olifant…en vir my. Jy kon leer om weer te vertrou. Jy was so oulike boetjie vir klein Kodatjie. Ons mis jou. Ek mis jou. Ek mis jou so vrek baie.

Dit was te vining. Hopeloos te vroeg. Ek mis jou lyfie op die bank. Jou leë bedjie langs my bed breek my hart. Die trane gaan seker nog ń lang ruk vloei. (Dis ok, dis net liefde wat oorloop want ek het nog so baie soentjies en drukkies vir jou gehad!) Ek hoop jy weet dat ons jou altyd sal lief hê – “TO NEPTUNE AND BACK. Remember!”

Till we meet again. Liefde vir Shenkia en Curly en Bambi en Lucky en Boesman, en Snippie en Wippie.

The one thing I could not protect you from was time.



Remembrance Wall

Welcome to Paw Print Remembrance Wall

The Remembrance Wall is a place to celebrate the lives of those we loved, where you can create an ever lasting memorial for free. Here friends and family can share in the memories and photos of those they’ve lost.

You may submit your own listing for our remembrance wall here

Please click on the pet’s name to view the full message.

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Welcome to Paw Print Remembrance Wall

The Remembrance Wall is a place to celebrate the lives of those we loved, where you can create an ever lasting memorial for free. Here friends and family can share in the memories and photos of those they’ve lost.

You may submit your own listing for our remembrance wall here

Please click on the pet’s name to view the full message.

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Our Cremation services are available at Veterinary Clinics in the following areas.

Gauteng: East Rand, Pretoria, Midrand and Centurion

North West Province: Rustenburg, Brits and Hartbeespoort

Contact Us

Louré: 082 575 6298

Fax: 086 574 4195


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